News and Updates

Read the latest information about District events or items of interest in the Basin.

District Elections

Register to Vote

KID Patrons who wish to vote in future elections must be registered with the District.  This registration is different than being registered for County, State, & Federal elections


2024 Irrigation Season

  • Anticipate conflicts with Reclamation’s 2024 Operations Plan in October.
  • Less than 32,000 of the 260,000 acre-feet made available by Reclamation remains to be delivered to farms.
  • K.I.D. has sent over 100 curtailment letters to farmers and ranchers; additional curtailment letters are anticipated in September.

Since our 12 August Newsletter was published, the Klamath Reclamation Project district managers met with Reclamation officials to discuss our projections, irrigation demand through November, and the 2024 Operations Plan.

Klamath Irrigation District Board of Directors will need to provide specific guidance to the K.I.D. staff regarding the District’s end of the 2024 irrigation season and how to address the standing water orders for beneficial use that may exceed 260,000 acre-feet. This may occur during the 12 September Board of Directors meeting or at a directors’ Emergency or Special meeting if we receive notice to shut-off before reaching an assessment that water is no longer being delivered for beneficial use without waste or 31 October, whichever occurs first.

The directors have approved no shut-off date or volume.

Read more about the 2024 Irrigation Season Update in our latest newsletter

Interactive Water Rights and Contract Area Map

A detailed look at the areas covered by various water rights claims and contracts served by Klamath Irrigation District.