
Annual assessments for Klamath Irrigation District (K.I.D.), Klamath Basin Improvement District (KBID), Group E contracts and most individual Warren Act contracts are all processed through the K.I.D. office.

K.I.D. and KBID are on different billing cycles.  Warren Act and Group E contracts are on the same billing cycle, but are on a different cycle than K.I.D. and KBID.  The following table shows when the bills are mailed out and when they are due.


District & Contracts Billing Date Due Date
KID Assessments Dec 1 Mar 1 of the next year
KBID Assessments Dec 15 Feb 2 of the next year
Warren Act Contracts Mar 1 Apr 1 of same year
Group E Contracts Mar 1 Apr 1 of same year

It is the RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LAND OWNER to provide current ownership and address information. Forms to make these changes are available at the KID office or here:

We are currently unable to accept online payments.  We are exploring options to remedy this inconvenience.
Under Construction

Please be patient as we develop this capability.  Our current vendor options do not provide a cost-effective way to accept online payments.

Klamath Irrigation District is a special government district operating under Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 545.  K.I.D.’s elected Board of Directors set and approve the District’s financial policy as outlined in ORS 545 and influenced by numerous contracts held by the Federal Government.
The current financial policy requires the District to charge a $25 delinquency notice fee when assessments are not paid when due.  If the annual assessment is not paid by the due date, interest will be charged at the rate of 1.33% per month or fraction of a month until paid. Non-payment over 60 days past due will be charged an administrative fee of $200 for the lien process as described in ORS 545.