Annual assessments for Klamath Irrigation District (K.I.D.), Klamath Basin Improvement District (KBID), Group E contracts and most individual Warren Act contracts are all processed through the K.I.D. office.
K.I.D. and KBID are on different billing cycles. Warren Act and Group E contracts are on the same billing cycle, but are on a different cycle than K.I.D. and KBID. The following table shows when the bills are mailed out and when they are due.
District & Contracts | Billing Date | Due Date |
KID Assessments | Dec 1 | Mar 1 of the next year |
KBID Assessments | Dec 15 | Feb 2 of the next year |
Warren Act Contracts | Mar 1 | Apr 1 of same year |
Group E Contracts | Mar 1 | Apr 1 of same year |
It is the RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LAND OWNER to provide current ownership and address information. Forms to make these changes are available at the KID office or here:
We are currently unable to accept online payments. We are exploring options to remedy this inconvenience.

Please be patient as we develop this capability. Our current vendor options do not provide a cost-effective way to accept online payments.