Klamath Irrigation District has implemented a new online water ordering system.

We now have an online irrigation water ordering system available to allow our patrons to place water orders online.  The system is currently in beta testing, there will be some growing pains as we learn to use this new technology.  Please be patient with our staff and ditchriders as we move from ancient egyptian technology into the 21st century.

To sign up for access to our system, email willy.stevens@klamathid.org with the following information:


Property Map Taxlot, Turnout #(s), address, or other description:

Email Address:

Phone Number:

We will need to contact you for more information if you are leasing the land.

Once your account is linked to your email address, we will have the system send you the information on how to access your online water ordering account.

The water ordering system site login can be found at this location Watervize – Home | Watervize – Watervize Irrigation Tools Web Application
